Some thoughts on writing………………

You can't please all of the people all of the time. Some say the English language must evolve with popular use; some that rules must be followed to ensure clarity; others that you can break the rules in the vernacular.

Many believe it is generally considered best to carefully avoid splitting infinitives. (But, as Raymond Chandler said: "When I split an infinitive, God damn it, I split it so it will stay split.") The answer has to be it is all right if it sounds all right.

And did you know that many authorities say that it's all right to begin a sentence with a conjunction? This 'rule' apparently dates from Victorian school teachers trying to teach schoolchildren not to write: And then I went on holiday. And then we went to the beach. And then we had an ice cream….And so on. Similarly, should we really worry too much about sentences that end with a preposition? It can create ludicrous, tortured phrases: as Churchill said "This is the sort of English up with which I will not put."

For clear, plain English, it is manifestly of imperative importance to avoid archaic language. It's also best to avoid clichés like the plague, and seek viable alternatives.

But there's no excuse at all for incorrect punctuation. Only use an apostrophe in it's proper place: don't use it when its not needed. Or for bad spelling: enjoy this with my complements.